
Info about Marittima, Puglia (Italy)

Marittima region is Puglia, Provincia di Lecce, in Italy (IT).

Alternate names are Marittima, latitude is 39.9960900, and its longitude is 18.3989500.

Its population is 1.796 residents, its timezone is Europe/Rome (Europe/Rome_cet).

In Marittima you can go for disco, wakeboard, nightlife, clubs, pubs, water skiing, music, bars in Italy.


More details about Marittima in Italy (IT)

Do You are looking to call local numbers? You can call phone numbers by dialing 836 as local dialing code. It’s postal code is 73030, for this reason, for sending postcards to your friends you can use this zip as per description above.

Its meters above mean sea level, specifically meters above mean sea level (MAMSL), is over 90 mt. This is why it is a perfect place if you like flat land to travel to in your next vacation.

Marittima things to do and activities: best trip destination for:

  • disco, wakeboard, nightlife, clubs, pubs, water skiing, music, bars.

    Interactive Marittima (Italy) Map and attractions

    Interactive map of Marittima, Puglia Provincia di Lecce Italy (IT).