Info about Bantry, Munster (Ireland)
Bantry region is Munster, and country is Ireland (IE).
Bantry is also called BYT, Bantri, Bantry, Beanntrai, Beanntraí, baenteuli, ban te li, Бантри, ბანტრი, 班特里, 밴트리, latitude is 51.6802500, and its longitude is -9.4525400.
With a population of 3.309 people, Bantry timezone is Europe/Dublin (Europe/Dublin_cet).
Bantry is popular for gardens, sailboats, farms, scuba diving, biking, islands, diving, secret, scenic roads, desert, nature, natural places, mines, fountains, docks, ranches, valleys, events, museums, walking trails, wildlife, off-road trails, walkways in Ireland.
More details about Bantry in Ireland (IE)
It’s time zone is UTC±00:00 (in standard time).
Bantry population is 3.309 inhabitants, if we consider 2006 last census.
Its altitude above mean sea level, specifically meters above mean sea level (MAMSL), should be around 30 meters. Because of this Bantry an ideal trip destination when you and firends love flat areas to visit for your next vacation.
For other information for this city please have a look at their official website
Bantry things to do and activities: best trip destination for:
Interactive Bantry (Ireland) Map and attractions
Interactive map of Bantry, Munster Ireland (IE).