
Info about Patreksfjörður, Vestfirðir (Iceland)

Patreksfjörður region is Vestfirðir, with country Iceland (IS).

Alternate names are PFJ, Patreksf’ordjur, Patreksfjardar, Patreksfjarðar, Patreksfjoerd, Patreksfjoerdur, Patreksfjordur, Patreksfjörð, Patreksfjörður, Patresfirdi, Patresfirði, Vatneyri, Vesturbyggd, Vesturbyggð, Патрексфьордюр, latitude is 65.5978300, and its longitude -23.9959600.

In Patreksfjörður are located 677 citizens, Patreksfjörður timezone is Atlantic/Reykjavik (Atlantic/Reykjavik_cet).

Things you can do if you travel to Patreksfjörður are lakes, adventure, docks, cathedrals, churches, boat rides, desert, shopping, mines, ancient ruins, religious sites, scenic roads in Iceland.


More details about Patreksfjörður in Iceland (IS)

In Patreksfjörður live 677 citizens, considering 2018 census.

Its altitude above sea level, specifically meters above sea level (MASL), is about 0 meters. This is why Patreksfjörður is the ideal destination if you and your partner like to do a sea trip.

If you need extra information about Patreksfjörður have a look at Patreksfjörður official webpage

Patreksfjörður things to do and activities: best trip destination for:

  • lakes, adventure, docks, cathedrals, churches, boat rides, desert, shopping, mines, ancient ruins, religious sites, scenic roads.

    Interactive Patreksfjörður (Iceland) Map and attractions

    Interactive map of Patreksfjörður, Vestfirðir Iceland (IS).