
Info about Penc, (Hungary)

Alternate names are Penc, latitude is 47.8026200, and its longitude 19.2490600.

In Penc are settled 1.522 residents, Penc timezone is Europe/Budapest (Europe/Budapest_cet).

Popular things to do in Penc are off-road trails in all Hungary.


More details about Penc in Hungary (HU)

Located in time zone Central European Time (in standard time).

In Penc live 1.522 residents, related to 2018 last census. Do You need to use telephone for calling local people. Use 27 if you wish to call local phone numbers. It’s postal code is 2614, this is why for post delivery from Penc it can be used this post code as per description above.

Penc size is 64 km2 ideal for people who like medium-sized cities, definitely a city that you should visit. If you stay here you can save money because of their economic housing rates, and this is why you may use Penc like base in order to visit all Hungary or Penc near places.

Its meters above sea level, or meters above mean sea level (MAMSL), should be around 0 meters. This is why it is the perfect travel destination when you want to be near the sea.

If you’re looking for data for Penc go to their official website

Penc things to do and activities: best trip destination for:

  • off-road trails.

    Interactive Penc (Hungary) Map and attractions

    Interactive map of Penc, Hungary (HU).