
Info about Miragoâne, Département de Nippes (Haiti)

Miragoâne region is Département de Nippes, in Haiti (HT).

latitude is 18.4459900, and longitude -73.0895700.

In Miragoâne are located 56.864 natives, this area timezone is America/Port-au-Prince (America/Port-au-Prince_cet).

In Miragoâne you can enjoy activities like slopes, mosques, islands, mines, countryside, treasure hunts, valleys, mountains, geological formations, lakes, cathedrals, churches, disco, clubs, forest, running, wildlife, hunting, bridges, ancient ruins over Haiti.


More details about Miragoâne in Haiti (HT)

It is the capital of Nippes.

In Miragoâne live 56.864 natives, related to 2009 latest census.

Miragoâne dimension is 185870000 sq. km. ideal for visiting a large city, busy with a lot of distractions and entertainment. In this city you can find expensive hotels due to its high room prices, so for this reason you may enjoy Miragoâne as your base in order to relaxing in luxury after visiting the city.

Its height above sea level technically meters above mean sea level (MAMSL), should be about 0 meters above sea. This is why this is the perfect travel destination when you like to watch the sea.

Miragoâne things to do and activities: best trip destination for:

  • slopes, mosques, islands, mines, countryside, treasure hunts, valleys, mountains, geological formations, lakes, cathedrals, churches, disco, clubs, forest, running, wildlife, hunting, bridges, ancient ruins.

    Interactive Miragoâne (Haiti) Map and attractions

    Interactive map of Miragoâne, Département de Nippes Haiti (HT).