
Info about Chiantla, Departamento de Huehuetenango (Guatemala)

Chiantla region is Departamento de Huehuetenango, located in Guatemala (GT).

Alternate names are Chiantla, latitude is 15.3548400, and its longitude -91.4580700.

In Chiantla are settled 8.465 residents, this location timezone is America/Guatemala (America/Guatemala_cet).

In Chiantla you can enjoy activities like ranches, religious sites, museums, disco, geological formations, clubs, nature, natural places in all Guatemala.


More details about Chiantla in Guatemala (GT)

Located in time zone UTC−06:00 (valid for standard time).

Chiantla dimensions are 493 square km. ideal for people who like medium-sized cities, definitely a town worth a visit. If you stay here you can save money due to their economic rooms costs, so this is why you can use Chiantla like your basecamp to move across Guatemala or Chiantla near adventures.

Its meters above sea level, basically meters above mean sea level (MAMSL) should be around 2000 meters. This is why it is the ideal place when you and firends want high areas to go to for your next vacation and want to do trekking while on holiday to visit new places.

Near Chiantla you can find beautiful cities like San Sebastián Huehuetenango, Todos Santos Cuchumatán, San Juan Ixcoy, Aguacatán, Nebaj, Huehuetenango. As those cities are very close you can easily travel to these other destinations to explore more Guatemala.

Its Saint is Virgin of Candelaria.

If you’re looking for info on Chiantla please check its official website

Chiantla things to do and activities: best trip destination for:

  • ranches, religious sites, museums, disco, geological formations, clubs, nature, natural places.

    Interactive Chiantla (Guatemala) Map and attractions

    Interactive map of Chiantla, Departamento de Huehuetenango Guatemala (GT).