
Info about Oker, Lower Saxony (Germany)

Oker is a village of Lower Saxony, Landkreis Goslar, in country Germany (DE).

Oker names are also Oker, its latitude is 51.9050800, and longitude 10.4819100.

If you travel to Oker you can enjoy climbing around Germany.


More details about Oker in Germany (DE)

It has timezone UTC+01:00 (during standard time).

You need to use telephone for calling local numbers? Use 5321 if you are calling local phone numbers. Oker zip code is 38642, then for post delivery in Oker you can use 38642 postal code as per description.

Oker height above sea level, technically meters above sea level (M A.S.L.), should be about 208 meters. That is why this is the ideal travel destination when you and firends like plain ground to visit in your next travel.

Oker things to do and activities: best trip destination for:

  • climbing.

    Interactive Oker (Germany) Map and attractions

    Interactive map of Oker, Lower Saxony Germany (DE).