
Info about Kappel-Grafenhausen, Baden-Württemberg (Germany)

Kappel-Grafenhausen is a locality of Baden-Württemberg, Freiburg Region, Ortenaukreis, in Germany (DE).

It is also called Kapel-Grafenkhauzen, Kappel’-Grafengauzen, Kappel’-Grafenkhauzen, Kappel-Grafenhausen, ka pei er-ge la fen hao sen, Капел-Графенхаузен, Каппель-Графенгаузен, Каппель-Графенхаузен, 卡佩尔-格拉芬豪森, its latitude is 48.2838200, and longitude 7.7660500.

In Kappel-Grafenhausen are settled 5.096 occupants, Kappel-Grafenhausen timezone is Europe/Berlin (Europe/Berlin_cet).

Considered best destination for escape room, adventure in Germany.


More details about Kappel-Grafenhausen in Germany (DE)

Kappel-Grafenhausen time zone is UTC+01:00 (for standard time).

In Kappel-Grafenhausen there are 5.096 occupants, related to 2019 last census. You need to have a call local numbers? You can use 7822 as local dialing code for calling local phone numbers. Kappel-Grafenhausen zip code is 77966, this is why if you want to send anything by post on your travel you can use 77966 code as per description.

Its square area is 25 sq. kilometers so it is counted as quitely small place a good place for trippers that are interested in small cities for a good base on a travel, an incredibly quite town without distractions common of large cities. In this town you save money due to Kappel-Grafenhausen low hotel rates, so for this reason you and your travel companions may use it as your basecamp to move across Germany and Kappel-Grafenhausen near things to do.

Kappel-Grafenhausen elevation above sea level, basically meters above sea level (MASL), is about 163 meters. For this this city is the perfect trip destination if you and your beloved ones like flat ground to go to for your next holiday.

Near Kappel-Grafenhausen you can find very friendly places like Rust, Ringsheim. As those cities are near Kappel-Grafenhausen you and your friends can effortlessly reach these close travel destinations to see other destinations in Germany.

For other information for Kappel-Grafenhausen have a look at Kappel-Grafenhausen official website http://www.kappel-grafenhausen.de.

Kappel-Grafenhausen things to do and activities: best trip destination for:

  • escape room, adventure.

    Interactive Kappel-Grafenhausen (Germany) Map and attractions

    Interactive map of Kappel-Grafenhausen, Baden-Württemberg Freiburg Region Germany (DE).