
Info about Kõpu, Viljandimaa (Estonia)

Kõpu region is Viljandimaa, Põhja-Sakala vald, in country Estonia (EE).

Alternate names are Gross Keppo, Gross-Koppo, Gross-Köppo, Keppo, Kopu, Kypu, Kõpu, Sur-Kypu, Sure-Kypu, Suur Kopu, Suur Kõpu, Suure Kopu, Suure Kõpu, Кыпу, latitude is 58.3269400, and its longitude 25.3116700.

Kõpu population is 286 occupants, this location timezone is Europe/Tallinn (Europe/Tallinn_cet).

In Kõpu you can enjoy activities like theme parks, countryside, historical sites, rivers, shooting ranges, islands, paddle, water parks, water skiing, valleys, parks, surf, ancient ruins, fountains, amusement parks, scenic roads, sailboats, mosques, beaches, music, natural places, forest, lakes, nature, monuments, architectural buildings, playgrounds, national parks around Estonia.


More details about Kõpu in Estonia (EE)

In Kõpu live 286 occupants, considering 2019 last census. It’s postal code is 71201, then for sending postcards to family on your tripit can be used the zip code as described above.

Its altitude above sea level, specifically meters above sea level (MASL), is about 0 meters. This is why Kõpu is the ideal place when you and family love being near the sea.

Kõpu things to do and activities: best trip destination for:

  • theme parks, countryside, historical sites, rivers, shooting ranges, islands, paddle, water parks, water skiing, valleys, parks, surf, ancient ruins, fountains, amusement parks, scenic roads, sailboats, mosques, beaches, music, natural places, forest, lakes, nature, monuments, architectural buildings, playgrounds, national parks.

    Interactive Kõpu (Estonia) Map and attractions

    Interactive map of Kõpu, Viljandimaa Põhja-Sakala vald Estonia (EE).