
Info about Přerov, Olomoucký kraj (Czechia)

Přerov region is Olomoucký kraj, Okres Přerov, with country Czechia (CZ).

Přerov is also called PRV, Prerau, Prerov, Prserova, Prserovas, Prsherov, Przerow, Przerów, Pršerova, Pršerovas, Přerov, brshyrwf, peuleujelopeu, przhrw, pu re luo fu, purujerofu, pzhyrw, Преров, Пршеров, برشيروف, پرژرو, پژیرو, პრშეროვი, プルジェロフ, 普熱羅夫, 프르제로프, latitude is 49.4551100, and its longitude is 17.4509000.

With a population of 43.186 residents, this place timezone is Europe/Prague (Europe/Prague_cet).

Přerov is a popular travel destination for fountains in Czechia.


More details about Přerov in Czechia (CZ)

It is the capital of Přerov District. Its official name is Prerau (PR).

It’s time zone is UTC+01:00 (during standard time).

Přerov population is 43.186 citizens, according to 2019 latest census. It’s postal code is 750 00, so for sending postcards to family in Přerov it can be used 750 00 postal code as described.

Přerov square area is 58 sq. km., good if you like to visit a mid-sized city, definitely a city worth a visit. In this town you save money because of Přerov cheap room costs, and for this reason you can use it like your basecamp if you want to move across Czechia or Přerov near places.

Its altitude above mean sea level, called also meters above sea level (MASL), is around 210 meters. Because of this Přerov an ideal place when you and your partner love flat ground to travel to in your next travel.

Cities near Přerov that you can visit are beautiful cities like Radslavice, Rokytnice, Grymov, Troubky, Tučín, Věžky, Želatovice, Zábeštní Lhota, Beňov, Kokory, Lhotka, Nelešovice, Prosenice, Sobíšky, Tršice, Buk, Bochoř, Horní Moštěnice. This is why you may effortlessly visit these close wonderful destinations to visit new things.

For extra information on Přerov please have a look at its official website http://www.prerov.eu.

Přerov things to do and activities: best trip destination for:

  • fountains.

    Interactive Přerov (Czechia) Map and attractions

    Interactive map of Přerov, Olomoucký kraj Okres Přerov Czechia (CZ).