Puerto Nariño

Info about Puerto Nariño, Amazonas (Colombia)

Puerto Nariño region is Amazonas, with country Colombia (CO).

Puerto Nariño is also called Puerto Narino, Puerto Nariño, latitude is -3.7888900, and longitude -70.3558400.

With a population of 6.816 people, this place timezone is America/Bogota (America/Bogota_cet).

Puerto Nariño is considered one of the top destinations for walkways, mountains around Colombia.


More details about Puerto Nariño in Colombia (CO)

Population for Puerto Nariño is 6.816 citizens, if we consider 2005 latest census.

Puerto Nariño square area is 1876 sq. kilometers so Puerto Nariño is ideal for people who like large cities, busy full of attractions and activities to do. If you stay here you may find expensive accommodations because of its high accommodation costs, so for this reason you could find it as base in order to getting the comfort of luxury tired by visiting this Puerto Nariño.

Its height above sea level, also called meters above mean sea level (MAMSL), is under 89 meters. Because of this this is the ideal trip destination if you and partner love plain ground to go to in your next vacation.

If you are looking for sea, rivers, lakes in Puerto Nariño. Water like Amazon are to visit when you are interested in destinations with water.

If you are searching for detailed information on Puerto Nariño see their official website http://www.puertonarino-amazonas.gov.co/.

Puerto Nariño things to do and activities: best trip destination for:

  • walkways, mountains.

    Interactive Puerto Nariño (Colombia) Map and attractions

    Interactive map of Puerto Nariño, Amazonas Colombia (CO).