
Info about Ulanhot, (China)

Ulanhot is also called HLH, Horqin Youyi Qianqi, Huai-yuan-chen, Huai-yuän-chen, K’o-erh-ch’in-yu-ch’ien-ch’i, K’o-erh-ch’in-yu-i-ch’ien-ch’i, K’o-erh-ch’in-yu-ch’ien-ch’i, K’o-erh-ch’in-yu-i-ch’ien-ch’i, Ulan Hot, Ulan Hoto, Ulan-Khoto, Ulanhot, Ulanhot Shi, Van”yemyao, Van’’yemyao, Wang-yeh-miao, Wangyemiao, Wu-lan-hao-t’e, Wu-lan-hao-t’e-shih, Wu-lan-hao-t’e, Wu-lan-hao-t’e-shih, Wulanhaote Shi, awlan hwt, awlan ہwt, wang ye miao, wu lan hao te, wu lan hao te shi, أولان هوت, اولان هوت, اولان ہوت, 乌兰浩特, 乌兰浩特市, 王爷庙, latitude is 46.0833300, and longitude is 122.0833300.

With a population of 327.081 people, Ulanhot timezone is Asia/Shanghai (Asia/Shanghai_cet).

In Ulanhot you can go for snowboard, slopes, skiing in all China.


More details about Ulanhot in China (CN)

It’s time zone is UTC+08:00 (valid in period standard time).

Population for Ulanhot is 327.081 inhabitants, if we consider 2010 last census. It’s zip code is 137400, for this reason, if you want to send anything to friends by post it can be used this zip as described above.

Ulanhot dimension is 779 square kilometers, ideal for visiting a large city, crowdy full of things to do and entertainment. If you stay in this city you may find expensive accommodations because of their high housing costs, and for this reason you can enjoy it like your basecamp to getting the comfort of luxury tired by walking this Ulanhot.

Its height above mean sea level, that is meters above mean sea level (MAMSL), is 0 meters. Because of this this is a perfect trip destination if you and your partner want the sea.

For data on this city please check its website http://www.wlht.gov.cn/.

Ulanhot things to do and activities: best trip destination for:

  • snowboard, slopes, skiing.

    Interactive Ulanhot (China) Map and attractions

    Interactive map of Ulanhot, China (CN).