Puerto Chacabuco

Info about Puerto Chacabuco, Región Aysén (Chile)

Puerto Chacabuco is a city in Región Aysén, Provincia de Aisén, in country Chile (CL).

its latitude is -45.4666700, and longitude is -72.8166700.

In Puerto Chacabuco live 1.239 citizens, this city timezone is America/Santiago (America/Santiago_cet).

In Puerto Chacabuco you can do caves, sailboats, geological formations, biking, off-road trails in all Chile.


More details about Puerto Chacabuco in Chile (CL)

Population for Puerto Chacabuco is 1.239 people, if we consider 2017 census.

Puerto Chacabuco area is 1 sq. km., for this reason it is quitely small city a nice place for trippers that are interested in relaxing destinations for their base location on a travel, a calm area without loudness typical of big cities. If you book an accommodation in Puerto Chacabuco you can find cheap accommodations due to its low housing prices, so for this reason you and your friends may have Puerto Chacabuco like a base if you want to visit all Chile and Puerto Chacabuco near things to do.

Puerto Chacabuco height above mean sea level, called also meters above mean sea level (MAMSL), should be around 29 meters. For this reason this is a perfect trip destination if you want flat land to see in your next holiday.

Puerto Chacabuco things to do and activities: best trip destination for:

  • caves, sailboats, geological formations, biking, off-road trails.

    Interactive Puerto Chacabuco (Chile) Map and attractions

    Interactive map of Puerto Chacabuco, Región Aysén Provincia de Aisén Chile (CL).