
Info about Gambo, Mbomou (Central African Republic)

Gambo region is Mbomou, located in Central African Republic (CF).

Gambo is also called Gambo, latitude is 4.6481600, and its longitude is 22.2633100.

With 4.971 residents, this area timezone is Africa/Bangui (Africa/Bangui_cet).

Popular things to do in Gambo are parachute, biking, events in Central African Republic.


More details about Gambo in Central African Republic (CF)

Its altitude above mean sea level technically meters above sea level (M A.S.L.), is over 483 meters. Because of this Gambo is an ideal travel destination if you and friends want tall mountains to travel to in your next travel and love trekking while on a vacation to visit a new place.

Gambo things to do and activities: best trip destination for:

  • parachute, biking, events.

    Interactive Gambo (Central African Republic) Map and attractions

    Interactive map of Gambo, Mbomou Central African Republic (CF).