
Info about Nevestino, Oblast Kyustendil (Bulgaria)

Nevestino region is Oblast Kyustendil, with country Bulgaria (BG).

Other names for Nevestino are Kadiin Most, Kadin Most, Kruchma Kadiin-Most, Krŭchma Kadiin-Most, Nevestino, Nevyestaio, Nevyestino, Newestino, Невестино, latitude is 42.2555100, and its longitude 22.8517500.

Nevestino has a population of 552 folks, this location timezone is Europe/Sofia (Europe/Sofia_cet).

Nevestino is a popular travel destination for bridges, secret around Bulgaria.


More details about Nevestino in Bulgaria (BG)

It is the capital of Nevestino Municipality.

Nevestino has timezone UTC+02:00 (in standard time).

In Nevestino there are 552 folks, related to 2015 last census. It’s postal code is 2595, this is why for sending postcards to your friends it can be used the code as explained.

Nevestino square area is 439 km2 so Nevestino is a medium size city, definitely a town that you should visit. In Nevestino you save money because of their cheap rooms costs, and for this reason you can have it like basecamp if you want to move across Bulgaria or Nevestino near things to do.

Its meters above sea level, called also meters above sea level (MASL), is 454 meters. That’s why it is the perfect place if you and your beloved ones want high mountains to visit in your next holiday and want to do trail while you are going somewhere else.

Nevestino things to do and activities: best trip destination for:

  • bridges, secret.

    Interactive Nevestino (Bulgaria) Map and attractions

    Interactive map of Nevestino, Oblast Kyustendil Bulgaria (BG).