
Info about Mongla, Khulna Division (Bangladesh)

Mongla is a locality in Khulna Division, Bagerhat, Mongla Upazila, in country Bangladesh (BD).

Also called Mongla, its latitude is 22.4722300, and its longitude is 89.6109500.

If you travel to Mongla you can enjoy canoeing, docks, paddle, boat rides, volcanoes, ranches, desert, sailboats, wildlife, beaches, climbing, bridges, adventure, shooting ranges, water skiing, rafting, countryside, rivers, slopes, playgrounds, caves, music, forest, running, mines in Bangladesh.


More details about Mongla in Bangladesh (BD)

Mongla altitude above mean sea level, specifically meters above sea level (MASL), is under 0 meters. For this reason Mongla is a perfect destination if you and partner want to contemplate the sea.

Mongla things to do and activities: best trip destination for:

  • canoeing, docks, paddle, boat rides, volcanoes, ranches, desert, sailboats, wildlife, beaches, climbing, bridges, adventure, shooting ranges, water skiing, rafting, countryside, rivers, slopes, playgrounds, caves, music, forest, running, mines.

    Interactive Mongla (Bangladesh) Map and attractions

    Interactive map of Mongla, Khulna Division Bagerhat Bangladesh (BD).