
Info about Xınalıq, (Azerbaijan)

Alternate names are Khanaluka, Khanalyk, Khinalug, Khinalykh, Khynalyk, Xinaliq, Xınalıq, Хыналык, latitude is 41.1793500, and longitude 48.1278300.

With 2.075 citizens, Xınalıq timezone is Asia/Baku (Asia/Baku_cet).

Top destination for hiking, hiking trails, walking trails, water skiing, water sports, climbing in all Azerbaijan.


More details about Xınalıq in Azerbaijan (AZ)

Located in time zone UTC+04:00 (in standard time).

Its elevation above sea level, or meters above sea level (MASL), should be about 2350 mt. This is why this city is the ideal place if you and your beloved ones love high areas to visit for your next trip and love adventure in the nature if you are on a travel to visit a new place.

Xınalıq things to do and activities: best trip destination for:

  • hiking, hiking trails, walking trails, water skiing, water sports, climbing.

    Interactive Xınalıq (Azerbaijan) Map and attractions

    Interactive map of Xınalıq, Azerbaijan (AZ).