
Info about Laza, (Azerbaijan)

It is also called Laza, Лаза, its latitude is 41.2991300, and its longitude 48.1116100.

With 318 occupants, its timezone is Asia/Baku (Asia/Baku_cet).

Laza is famous for activities like hiking, water skiing, climbing, hiking trails, jet skiing, walking trails, water sports, museums, amusement parks, valleys, natural places, nature, adventure parks, gardens, mountains, nature reserves, caves, desert, scenic roads, off-road trails, art galleries, treasure hunts, parks, trail running, forest, walkways, adventure, ancient ruins, religious sites, historical sites in Azerbaijan.


More details about Laza in Azerbaijan (AZ)

Laza time zone is UTC+04:00 (valid in period standard time).

In Laza there are 318 occupants, related to 1911 latest census.

Laza altitude above sea level that is meters above mean sea level (MAMSL) is 1660 mt. For this Laza is the perfect travel destination when you and firends love high land to visit for your next travel and love mountain rails while you are tripping somewhere else.

Laza things to do and activities: best trip destination for:

  • hiking, water skiing, climbing, hiking trails, jet skiing, walking trails, water sports, museums, amusement parks, valleys, natural places, nature, adventure parks, gardens, mountains, nature reserves, caves, desert, scenic roads, off-road trails, art galleries, treasure hunts, parks, trail running, forest, walkways, adventure, ancient ruins, religious sites, historical sites.

    Interactive Laza (Azerbaijan) Map and attractions

    Interactive map of Laza, Azerbaijan (AZ).