
Info about Kappl, Tirol (Austria)

Kappl is a spot of Tirol, Politischer Bezirk Landeck, in Austria (AT).

Also called Kappl, its latitude is 47.0666700, and longitude 10.3833300.

With a population of 2.617 natives, this location timezone is Europe/Vienna (Europe/Vienna_cet).

For your trip to Kappl you can snowboard, theme parks, amusement parks, playgrounds, adventure parks in all Austria.

More details about Kappl in Austria (AT)

It is located in time zone UTC+01:00 (valid for standard time).

Population of Kappl is 2.617 inhabitants, considering 2018 census. You want to dial local people! You can call phone numbers by dialing 5445 as local dialing code. Kappl zip code is 6555, then if you want to send anything to your friends via post on your travel it can be used this code as described above.

Its dimensions are 97 square km. good if you like to visit a mid-sized city, in our opinion a town worth visiting. If you stay here you can save money because of its economic accommodation costs, and for this reason you may use it like base in order to move across Austria or Kappl near places.

Kappl elevation above sea level, that is meters above mean sea level (MAMSL), is under 1258 meters. For this reason this city is the ideal destination when you and family love high ground to go to in your next holiday and want to do climbing while you are on holiday away from home.

Cities near Kappl that you can visit are beautiful cities like Pettneu am Arlberg, See. This is why you and your companions can easily visit these other destinations to explore more Austria.

For data about Kappl see its official website http://www.gemeinde.kappl.at.

Kappl things to do and activities: best trip destination for:

  • snowboard, theme parks, amusement parks, playgrounds, adventure parks.

    Interactive Kappl (Austria) Map and attractions

    Interactive map of Kappl, Tirol Politischer Bezirk Landeck Austria (AT).