
Info about Segudet, (Andorra)

Other names for Segudet are Segudet, latitude is 42.5571300, and longitude is 1.5380800.

Some of the activities you can do in Segudet are abseiling, wakeboard, canoeing, water sports, paddle, adventure parks, kayaking, adventure, diving, playgrounds, farms, running, scuba diving, trail running, religious sites, events, hunting, national parks, nature, natural places, islands, disco, fishing, lakes, music, festival, mountains, walkways, valleys, climbing, rivers, ancient ruins, countryside, gardens, forest, food, scenic roads, parks, towers, shopping, historical sites, clubs, cathedrals, monuments, architectural buildings, churches around Andorra.

More details about Segudet in Andorra (AD)

It’s zip code is AD300, for this reason, if you want to send anything to friends via post from Segudet this can be done by using the zip code as described above.

Its elevation above mean sea level technically meters above sea level (MASL), should be about 1722 meters. That’s why this city is a perfect destination if you and your beloved ones want high land to visit for your next travel and want to do sports on top of mountains when you are travelling abroad.

Segudet things to do and activities: best trip destination for:

  • abseiling, wakeboard, canoeing, water sports, paddle, adventure parks, kayaking, adventure, diving, playgrounds, farms, running, scuba diving, trail running, religious sites, events, hunting, national parks, nature, natural places, islands, disco, fishing, lakes, music, festival, mountains, walkways, valleys, climbing, rivers, ancient ruins, countryside, gardens, forest, food, scenic roads, parks, towers, shopping, historical sites, clubs, cathedrals, monuments, architectural buildings, churches.

    Interactive Segudet (Andorra) Map and attractions

    Interactive map of Segudet, Andorra (AD).