Info about Amagansett, New York (United States)
Amagansett is a city in New York, Suffolk County, with country United States (US).
It is also called Amagansett, Amogonsett, amaganst nyw ywrk, اماگانست، نیو یورک, its latitude is 40.9737100, and longitude is -72.1436900.
In Amagansett there are 1.165 inhabitants, this city timezone is America/New_York (America/New_York_cet).
Things to do in Amagansett are bodyboard in United States.
More details about Amagansett in United States (US)
Amagansett time zone is UTC−05:00 (for standard time).
In Amagansett there are 1.165 inhabitants, if we consider 2000 latest census. You want to have a call local numbers? You can use 631 as local dialing code for phone numbers. Amagansett zip code is 11930, for this reason, if you want to send anything by post from Amagansett you can use this zip as per description.
Amagansett area is 16 sq. kilometers, for this reason it appears to be quitely quiet place , amazing travel destination for trippers that like quiet cities for base location to stay, a quiet countryside area without confusion that characterizes big urban areas. If you book an accommodation in Amagansett you can find cheap hotels because of their economic accommodation prices, so this is why you may have it like basecamp in order to move across United States and Amagansett near places.
Amagansett height above mean sea level, basically meters above sea level (M A.S.L.), is under 9 meters. For this this is a perfect trip destination when you like seaside areas.
Amagansett things to do and activities: best trip destination for:
Interactive Amagansett (United States) Map and attractions
Interactive map of Amagansett, New York Suffolk County United States (US).