Mount Shasta

Info about Mount Shasta, California (United States)

Mount Shasta is a area in California, in country United States (US).

Mount Shasta names are also Berryvale, MHS, Maunt Shasta, Mount Shasta, Mount Shasta City, Mt Shasta City, Mt. Shasta City, Sisson, Strawberry Valley, ma’unta sasta, mang te sha si ta, maunteusyaseuta, mwnt shasta kalyfrnya, mwwnt shasta, Маунт Шаста, مونت شاستا، کالیفرنیا, موونت شاستا, माउन्ट शास्ता, 芒特沙斯塔, 마운트샤스타, its latitude is 41.3102400, and its longitude is -122.3122500.

With a population of 3.394 citizens, Mount Shasta timezone is America/Los_Angeles (America/Los_Angeles_cet).

Considered best destination for volcanoes, mountains, religious sites around United States.


More details about Mount Shasta in United States (US)

It has timezone Pacific Time Zone (for standard time).

In Mount Shasta live 3.394 citizens, according to 2010 last census. Do You need to call local people? If you want to call local numbers in Mount Shasta you can use 530 as local dialing code. Mount Shasta postal code is 96067, so for sending postcards to your family on your travel this can be done by using this code as per description above.

Its size is 9 sq. kilometers, so Mount Shasta is counted as relatively calm area , a nice place for travelers that like small destinations for a cheap base location on a trip, a calm area without loudness that you find in big cities. If you stay here you can find cheap hotels due to Mount Shasta low housing prices, and for this reason you and your friends may use it as your base if you want to visit all United States or Mount Shasta near places.

Mount Shasta altitude above mean sea level, technically meters above mean sea level (MAMSL), is under 3586 meters. That is why Mount Shasta is an ideal place if you and your friends like high ground to go to for your next vacation and love hiking if travelling to visit new places.

If you are searching for detailed data for Mount Shasta please visit their official website

Mount Shasta things to do and activities: best trip destination for:

  • volcanoes, mountains, religious sites.

    Interactive Mount Shasta (United States) Map and attractions

    Interactive map of Mount Shasta, California United States (US).