La Plaine-des-Palmistes

Info about La Plaine-des-Palmistes, Réunion (Reunion)

La Plaine-des-Palmistes region is Réunion, Réunion, Arrondissement de Saint-Benoît, in Reunion (RE).

La Plaine-des-Palmistes is also called La Plaine des Palmistes, La Plaine-des-Palmistes, La-Plen-de-Pal’mist, Plaine des Palmistes, Ла-Плен-де-Пальміст, لا پلاینی-ڈیس-پالمیسٹیس, latitude is -21.1342500, and its longitude is 55.6281900.

With 6.565 occupants, this area timezone is Indian/Reunion (Indian/Reunion_cet).

In La Plaine-des-Palmistes you can go for national parks, water sports, biking, geological formations, nature, boat rides, natural places, wildlife, nature reserves, forest, scenic roads, adventure, churches, historical sites in Reunion.


More details about La Plaine-des-Palmistes in Reunion (RE)

It is the capital of canton of La Plaine-des-Palmistes.

It’s time zone is UTC+04:00 (valid in period standard time).

It’s population is 6.565 residents, according to 2017 census. It’s postal code is 97431, so for sending postcards to your partner from La Plaine-des-Palmistes it can be used this zip code as described.

La Plaine-des-Palmistes size is 83 square kilometers, ideal for visiting a mid-sized city, definitely a place that you should visit. In La Plaine-des-Palmistes you can save money due to its economic room rates, so for this reason you could use it as your basecamp if you want to move across Reunion and La Plaine-des-Palmistes near cities.

Its meters above mean sea level, also called meters above mean sea level (MAMSL) is under 0 meters. Because of this it is an ideal place if you and partner like to be near the sea.

If you want to visit places near to La Plaine-des-Palmistes you can travel to astonishing cities like Saint-Benoît, Sainte-Rose, Le Tampon. So you can easily go to these other wonderful destinations to visit new things.

For data for La Plaine-des-Palmistes check its official website

La Plaine-des-Palmistes things to do and activities: best trip destination for:

  • national parks, water sports, biking, geological formations, nature, boat rides, natural places, wildlife, nature reserves, forest, scenic roads, adventure, churches, historical sites.

    Interactive La Plaine-des-Palmistes (Reunion) Map and attractions

    Interactive map of La Plaine-des-Palmistes, Réunion Réunion Reunion (RE).