
Info about Łańcut, Województwo Podkarpackie (Poland)

Łańcut region is Województwo Podkarpackie, in Poland (PL).

Łańcut is also called Lan’cut, Lancut, Lancuta, Landshut, Laņcuta, lnzwt, wan chu te, Łańcut, Ланцут, Ланьцут, Лањцут, לאנצהוט, לנצוט, 萬楚特, latitude is 50.0687100, and longitude 22.2291200.

In Łańcut live 18.045 occupiers, its timezone is Europe/Warsaw (Europe/Warsaw_cet).

In Łańcut you can enjoy activities like castles, wellness, hammam, spa, fishing, monuments in Poland.


More details about Łańcut in Poland (PL)

Officially its name is Łańcut (RLA).

It’s time zone is UTC+01:00 (for standard time).

Population of Łańcut is 18.045 residents, if we consider 2004 census. It’s zip code is 37-100, then if you want to send anything to your friends by post on your travel it can be used the zip code as described above.

Łańcut dimensions are 10 sq. kilometers for this reason it is quitely relaxing town , suggested place for people that are searching for small cities as a quiet base location on a travel, an incredibly quite city with no loudness typical of big metropolis. If you book an accommodation in Łańcut you can find cheap accommodations because of Łańcut economic housing costs, and for this reason you may have Łańcut like basecamp to visit all Poland and Łańcut near adventures.

Its elevation above sea level, or meters above sea level (M A.S.L.), is about 134 meters. Because of this this city is the ideal trip destination if you and your friends like plain areas to go to in your next trip.

If you are searching for extra information about Łańcut check its official webpage http://www.um-lancut.pl/.

Łańcut things to do and activities: best trip destination for:

  • castles, wellness, hammam, spa, fishing, monuments.

    Interactive Łańcut (Poland) Map and attractions

    Interactive map of Łańcut, Województwo Podkarpackie Poland (PL).