
Info about Sokółka, Województwo Podlaskie (Poland)

Sokółka region is Województwo Podlaskie, Powiat sokólski, and country is Poland (PL).

Other names for Sokółka are Sakulka, Sokola, Sokolka, Sokulka, Sokółka, suo ku wu ka, swqwlqh, Сакулка, Соколка, Сокулка, סוקולקה, 索庫烏卡, latitude is 53.4071500, and longitude is 23.5022800.

With a population of 19.079 occupants, its timezone is Europe/Warsaw (Europe/Warsaw_cet).

Sokółka is a popular travel destination for mosques around Poland.


More details about Sokółka in Poland (PL)

Sokółka has timezone UTC+01:00 (valid for standard time).

It’s zip code is 16-100, for this reason, if you want to send anything to anyone by post on your travel this can be done by using the post code as described.

Sokółka dimension is 18 square km., so it is quitely calm town , good place for who are searching for small places for a good location to stay, an incredibly quite place without confusion that characterizes big urban areas. If you book an accommodation in Sokółka you save money due to its cheap hotel costs, and for this reason you can use it like your base to visit all Poland or Sokółka near adventures.

Its elevation above mean sea level, technically meters above sea level (M A.S.L.) should be around 0 meters. That’s why this city is a perfect trip destination if you like beaches and sea.

For detailed data on Sokółka check their official website

Sokółka things to do and activities: best trip destination for:

  • mosques.

    Interactive Sokółka (Poland) Map and attractions

    Interactive map of Sokółka, Województwo Podlaskie Powiat sokólski Poland (PL).