
Info about Sikatuna, Central Visayas (Philippines)

Sikatuna is a location in Central Visayas, Bohol, in Philippines (PH).

Also called Sikatuna, its latitude is 9.6883000, and longitude is 123.9751000.

In Sikatuna live 6.335 inhabitants, this place timezone is Asia/Manila (Asia/Manila_cet).

For your trip to Sikatuna you can nature reserves, national parks, monuments, statues, historical sites in Philippines.


More details about Sikatuna in Philippines (PH)

It is located in time zone UTC+08:00 (during standard time).

Population for Sikatuna is 6.335 citizens, if we consider 2007 latest census. You need to have a call local telephone numbers! You can call phone numbers by dialing 38 as local dialing code. Sikatuna zip code is 6338, so if you want to send anything to anyone by post you can use 6338 code as explained.

Its dimensions are 38 sq. km., this is why it seems to be quitely calm town a good place for who are interested in small destinations for a cheap base on a trip, an incredibly quite countryside area with no confusion typical of large cities. Here you save money due to its low accommodation prices, and for this reason you could use it as base to move across Philippines and Sikatuna near adventures.

Sikatuna height above mean sea level, basically meters above sea level (MASL), is about 115 meters. For this reason this is an ideal trip destination when you and family love flat ground to go to for your next travel.

Sikatuna near cities are nice cities like Balilihan, Alburquerque, Corella, Loboc, Sevilla. For this reason you and your friends may very quickly visit those close places to visit new things.

The climate classification in this city is tropical monsoon climate.

Sikatuna things to do and activities: best trip destination for:

  • nature reserves, national parks, monuments, statues, historical sites.

    Interactive Sikatuna (Philippines) Map and attractions

    Interactive map of Sikatuna, Central Visayas Bohol Philippines (PH).