
Info about Brønnøysund, Nordland Fylke (Norway)

Brønnøysund is a site in Nordland Fylke, and country is Norway (NO).

Brønnøysund names are also BNN, Br’on’ojsun, Brjonnjojsunn, Bronno, Bronnoy, Bronnoysund, Brønnø, Brønnøy, Brønnøysund, bu lun ni, Брьоньойсун, Брённёйсунн, 布倫尼, its latitude is 65.4748700, and its longitude is 12.2128500.

In Brønnøysund are located 5.050 residents, this location timezone is Europe/Oslo (Europe/Oslo_cet).

In Brønnøysund you can do ranches, farms in Norway.


More details about Brønnøysund in Norway (NO)

It is the capital of Brønnøy.

It has timezone UTC+01:00 (valid for standard time).

In Brønnøysund live 5.050 residents, according to 2019 census.

Its square area is 3 square km., so Brønnøysund is counted as quitely relaxing area , great destination for trippers that are interested in quiet places for base to travel to, an incredibly quite town without distractions that characterizes big cities. In Brønnøysund you can save money due to its cheap accommodation prices, and for this reason you may have Brønnøysund like base in order to move across Norway and Brønnøysund near adventures.

Brønnøysund altitude above mean sea level, also called meters above mean sea level (MAMSL), is around 4 meters. That is why Brønnøysund is an ideal trip destination if you and partner want the sea.

From Brønnøysund you can also easily reach by train or car near cities, beautiful cities like Vega, Vevelstad, Vefsn, Grane, Bindal, Sømna. As those cities are near Brønnøysund you and your friends can in few time go to those near travel destinations for new Norway adventures.

If you’re looking for information about Brønnøysund please check their official webpage

Brønnøysund things to do and activities: best trip destination for:

  • ranches, farms.

    Interactive Brønnøysund (Norway) Map and attractions

    Interactive map of Brønnøysund, Nordland Fylke Norway (NO).