Inarajan Village

Info about Inarajan Village, (Guam)

Alternate names are Inalahan, Inalajan, Inalåhan, latitude is 13.2736300, and its longitude is 144.7484500.

In Inarajan Village are settled 2.273 citizens, this location timezone is Pacific/Guam (Pacific/Guam_cet).

Popular things to do in Inarajan Village are islands, museums, volcanoes, religious sites, national parks, monuments, forest, statues, parks, architectural buildings, historical sites, rivers, nature, ancient ruins, adventure, bridges, scenic roads, natural places, geological formations, windsurfing, gardens, churches, running, playgrounds around Guam.


More details about Inarajan Village in Guam (GU)

Its meters above mean sea level, that is meters above mean sea level (MAMSL), is under 3 meters. This is why it is an ideal trip destination if you and partner like to do a sea travel.

Inarajan Village appears also to be designated as World Heritage classified by UNESCO, from +1977.

Inarajan Village things to do and activities: best trip destination for:

  • islands, museums, volcanoes, religious sites, national parks, monuments, forest, statues, parks, architectural buildings, historical sites, rivers, nature, ancient ruins, adventure, bridges, scenic roads, natural places, geological formations, windsurfing, gardens, churches, running, playgrounds.

    Interactive Inarajan Village (Guam) Map and attractions

    Interactive map of Inarajan Village, Guam (GU).