Info about Uckfield, England (United Kingdom)
Uckfield region is England, East Sussex, Wealden District, located in United Kingdom (GB).
Other names for Uckfield are kfijld, awkfyld, Ъкфийлд, اوکفیلد, latitude is 50.9694800, and its longitude is 0.0958900.
In Uckfield are settled 18.452 citizens, this area timezone is Europe/London (Europe/London_cet).
Things you can do if you travel to Uckfield are walkways in all United Kingdom.
More details about Uckfield in United Kingdom (GB)
Uckfield has timezone UTC±00:00 (for standard time).
Do You are looking to use telephone for calling local phone numbers! You can use 1825 as local dialing code for phone numbers. It’s postal code is TN22, so for post delivery from Uckfield this can be done by using this postal code as described above.
Its area is 7 sq. kilometers, this is why Uckfield is nicely calm area , ideal travel destination for people that are interested in quiet cities as a good base location to sleep, a calm town without confusion that characterizes big urban areas. Here you can find cheap accommodations because of their economic hotel prices, so this is why you could have Uckfield as base in order to move across United Kingdom and Uckfield near adventures.
Its meters above mean sea level, specifically meters above mean sea level (MAMSL), is around 0 meters. That’s why it is an ideal travel destination when you and your partner love seaside places.
Near Uckfield you can find cities like Maresfield. As those cities are very close you and your family could in few time go to those other trip destinations for new adventures in United Kingdom.
If you need data for this city you can have a look at their official webpage
Uckfield things to do and activities: best trip destination for:
Interactive Uckfield (United Kingdom) Map and attractions
Interactive map of Uckfield, England East Sussex United Kingdom (GB).