
Info about Houghton, State of South Australia (Australia)

Houghton is a location in State of South Australia, in Australia (AU).

Houghton names are also Houghton, its latitude is -34.8286900, and its longitude is 138.7615000.

With 492 inhabitants, its timezone is Australia/Adelaide (Australia/Adelaide_cet).

Houghton is a popular destination for horse trails in Australia.

More details about Houghton in Australia (AU)

In Houghton live 492 inhabitants, according to 2016 latest census. Houghton postal code is 5131, so for post delivery on your travel you can use 5131 zip code as described above.

Houghton meters above mean sea level technically meters above mean sea level (MAMSL), is around 355 meters above sea. That is why it is an ideal travel destination when you and your partner like tall land to see for your next holiday or are willing to do climbing when on a trip abroad.

Houghton things to do and activities: best trip destination for:

  • horse trails.

    Interactive Houghton (Australia) Map and attractions

    Interactive map of Houghton, State of South Australia Australia (AU).