Phú Quý

Info about Phú Quý, Tỉnh Bình Thuận (Vietnam)

Phú Quý region is Tỉnh Bình Thuận, located in Vietnam (VN).

Phú Quý is also called Phu Quy, Phú Quý, latitude is 10.5166000, and longitude 108.9329200.

Some of the things you can do if you travel to Phú Quý are islands, desert in Vietnam.


More details about Phú Quý in Vietnam (VN)

It’s time zone is Indochina Time (for standard time).

You want to call local phone numbers. You can use 252 as local dialing code for local phone numbers.

Phú Quý square area is 7992 sq. kilometers so Phú Quý is ideal for people who like large cities, busy full of things to do or activities to do. If you book an accommodation in Phú Quý you can find high budget accommodations due to Phú Quý high housing prices, and for this reason you can enjoy it as your basecamp in order to relaxing in luxury after visiting this city.

Its elevation above sea level, specifically meters above sea level (M A.S.L.) is over 36 meters. Because of this this city is the perfect place if you want plain areas to travel to in your next holiday.

There are also other near cities you can visit, very cool cities like Lâm Đồng. For this reason you could very quickly go to these close destinations to explore more Vietnam.

If you want data about this city go to its official website

Phú Quý things to do and activities: best trip destination for:

  • islands, desert.

    Interactive Phú Quý (Vietnam) Map and attractions

    Interactive map of Phú Quý, Tỉnh Bình Thuận Vietnam (VN).