Info about Bruno, West Virginia (United States)
Bruno is a district in West Virginia, in United States (US).
its latitude is 37.6906600, and longitude is -81.8690100.
In Bruno are located 544 inhabitants, this city timezone is America/New_York (America/New_York_cet).
Bruno is popular for fountains in United States.
More details about Bruno in United States (US)
It is located in time zone Eastern Time Zone (in standard time).
Population for Bruno is 544 citizens, considering 2010 census. Bruno zip code is 25611, for this reason, if you want to send anything to your friends via post you can use this zip as described above.
Its dimensions are 3 km2, this is why it is counted as very relaxing area , an ideal destination for people that are interested in quiet destinations as a quiet location on a travel, a calm countryside area without distractions common in big metropolis. Here you save money due to its economic accommodation costs, so this is why you could have Bruno as your basecamp in order to visit all United States or Bruno near things to do.
Bruno height above mean sea level technically meters above mean sea level (MAMSL), is over 755 mt. For this reason this is a perfect destination when you and firends like high areas to travel to in your next trip and want to do trekking if you are on a vacation abroad.
Bruno things to do and activities: best trip destination for:
Interactive Bruno (United States) Map and attractions
Interactive map of Bruno, West Virginia United States (US).