
Info about Plano, Texas (United States)

Plano is a of Texas, in country United States (US).

Plano names are also Planas, Planom, Plejno, Plejnou, blanw, peulleino, planw, plenea, pleno, plynw, pu lai nuo, pureino, Планом, Плейно, Плейноу, Плејно, פלאנו, بلانو, پلانو, پلانو، ٹیکساس, پلینو, प्लेनो, പ്ലേനോ, プレイノ, 普莱诺, 플레이노, its latitude is 33.0198400, and its longitude -96.6988900.

In Plano there are 288.061 residents, this place timezone is America/Chicago (America/Chicago_cet).

If you travel to Plano you can enjoy mosques, food, architectural buildings in United States.


More details about Plano in United States (US)

In Plano live 288.061 residents, considering 2018 census. Plano postal code is 75023–75094, then for sending postcards to family on your travel this can be done by using 75023–75094 post code as described.

Its square area is 186 sq. km. so Plano is a medium size city that can become, if it is not already, a boomtown, definitely a city worth visiting. If you stay in this town you save money due to Plano low room prices, and for this reason you could use it like base if you want to move across United States and Plano near places.

Plano altitude above sea level, called also meters above sea level (M A.S.L.), is over 206 meters. That is why Plano the ideal place when you and family love plain ground to travel to for your next holiday.

Near Plano there are nice cities to visit, beautiful cities like Richardson, Allen. For this reason you could effortlessly go to these near travel destinations to see other destinations in United States.

For information about this city see their official website

Plano things to do and activities: best trip destination for:

  • mosques, food, architectural buildings.

    Interactive Plano (United States) Map and attractions

    Interactive map of Plano, Texas United States (US).