
Info about Nelson, Georgia (United States)

Nelson region is Georgia, in United States (US).

latitude is 34.3820400, and its longitude is -84.3710300.

In Nelson there are 1.314 residents, this region timezone is America/New_York (America/New_York_cet).

Some of the things you can do if you travel to Nelson are skiing, slopes, surf, sailboats in United States.


More details about Nelson in United States (US)

In Nelson there are 1.314 residents, according to 2010 census. Do You need to use telephone for calling local telephones. Local dialing code for Nelson is 770. It’s postal code is 30151, so for post delivery it can be used 30151 code as described above.

Nelson square area is 3 square kilometers, so Nelson is nicely quiet city a nice place for people that are searching for quiet cities for a quiet base on a travel, an incredibly calm countryside without confusion common of large metropolis. If you stay in this town you can save money because of its low housing prices, so this is why you and your friends may use Nelson as basecamp if you want to move across United States or Nelson near things to do.

Its meters above mean sea level, or meters above mean sea level (MAMSL), should be around 377 meters. That’s why it is an ideal travel destination when you and family want high mountains to see for your next trip or are willing to do trekking when tripping somewhere else.

Nelson things to do and activities: best trip destination for:

  • skiing, slopes, surf, sailboats.

    Interactive Nelson (United States) Map and attractions

    Interactive map of Nelson, Georgia United States (US).