Info about Oban, Scotland (United Kingdom)
Oban region is Scotland, and country is United Kingdom (GB).
Other names for Oban are An t-Oban, An t-Òban, An t-Óban, OBN, Oban, Oban i Skottland, Oubn, ao ben, oban, Обан, Оубън, オーバン, 奧本, latitude is 56.4153500, and its longitude -5.4718400.
Oban has a population of 8.575 citizenry, this location timezone is Europe/London (Europe/London_cet).
Some of the things you can do if you travel to Oban are scuba diving, diving, paddleboarding, paddle, abseiling, adventure, aquariums, national parks, sailboats, fishing, boat rides, canoeing, wildlife, secret in all United Kingdom.
More details about Oban in United Kingdom (GB)
Oban has timezone UTC±00:00 (during standard time).
In Oban there are 8.575 citizenry, related to 2011 latest census. Do You want to use telephone for calling local phone numbers! Use 1631 if you wish to call local phone numbers. It’s postal code is PA34, this is why for post delivery this can be done by using PA34 code as described above.
Its altitude above sea level basically meters above sea level (MASL), should be around 0 mt. That’s why Oban is the perfect travel destination if you and your friends love to be near the sea.
Oban things to do and activities: best trip destination for:
Interactive Oban (United Kingdom) Map and attractions
Interactive map of Oban, Scotland United Kingdom (GB).