
Info about Berestechko, (Ukraine)

Other names for Berestechko are Berestechko, Beresteczko, Beresteczo, Берестечко, latitude is 50.3604700, and longitude is 25.1107100.

In Berestechko are located 1.711 occupiers, its timezone is Europe/Kiev (Europe/Kiev_cet).

Things you can do if you travel to Berestechko are walking trails, hiking trails, hiking around Ukraine.


More details about Berestechko in Ukraine (UA)

Berestechko has timezone UTC+02:00 (valid for standard time).

In Berestechko there are 1.711 occupiers, if we consider 2019 last census. It’s zip code is 45765, for this reason, if you want to send anything to family by post from Berestechko this can be done by using the postal code as explained.

Berestechko dimensions are 9 square km., for this reason it appears to be quitely quiet town , nice travel destination for people that are interested in quiet destinations for a good base location to travel to, an incredibly calm place with no distractions common in large urban areas. In Berestechko you save money due to its cheap room rates, and this is why you and your travel companions could have Berestechko like a base to move across Ukraine and Berestechko near adventures.

Its elevation above mean sea level, or meters above sea level (M A.S.L.) is about 200 meters. That’s why this city is a perfect trip destination when you and firends love plain areas to go to for your next trip.

If you want to find rivers, sea, lakes in Berestechko. Places like Styr River must be seen when you and your friends are interested in destinations where you can find water.

For detailed information for Berestechko please have a look at their official website

Berestechko things to do and activities: best trip destination for:

  • walking trails, hiking trails, hiking.

    Interactive Berestechko (Ukraine) Map and attractions

    Interactive map of Berestechko, Ukraine (UA).