
Info about Caspe, Aragon (Spain)

Caspe region is Aragon, Provincia de Zaragoza, in country Spain (ES).

Alternate names are Casp, Caspe, Kaspe, ka si pei, kasby, Каспе, كاسبي, 卡斯佩, latitude is 41.2340200, and longitude -0.0394500.

With a population of 9.748 inhabitants, its timezone is Europe/Madrid (Europe/Madrid_cet).

Things you can do in Caspe are wakeboard, water skiing around Spain.


More details about Caspe in Spain (ES)

It is the capital of Bajo Aragón-Caspe/Baix Aragó-Casp. Its official name is Caspe (Z).

Located in time zone UTC+01:00 (during standard time).

In Caspe live 9.748 inhabitants, considering 2019 latest census. It’s zip code is 50700, then if you want to send anything to your family via post it can be used the zip code as per description.

Its area is 503 sq. km. so its a relatively large city, busy with a lot of things to do and entertainment. In this city you may spend big money due to Caspe very high accommodation prices, and for this reason you could find it like basecamp if you want to relaxing in luxury after visiting the big city.

Its height above sea level technically meters above mean sea level (MAMSL), is around 150 mt. This is why this is the ideal destination if you and friends want flat areas to visit in your next travel.

There are also other near cities you can visit, cities like Alcañiz, Samper de Calanda, Escatrón, Chiprana, Sástago, Bujaraloz, Peñalba, Fraga, Mequinenza, Fabara, Maella. Because of this you and your companions could easily visit those other wonderful destinations for new adventures.

If you want more detailed data on this city you can visit its official webpage

Caspe things to do and activities: best trip destination for:

  • wakeboard, water skiing.

    Interactive Caspe (Spain) Map and attractions

    Interactive map of Caspe, Aragon Provincia de Zaragoza Spain (ES).