Info about Muan, (South Korea)
It is also called MWX, Muan, Muan-gun, Muap, its latitude is 34.9901400, and its longitude 126.4789900.
Muan population is 75.718 citizens, Muan timezone is Asia/Seoul (Asia/Seoul_cet).
If you travel to Muan you can enjoy diving, scuba diving, biking, snorkeling, events around South Korea.
More details about Muan in South Korea (KR)
It is the capital of South Jeolla Province.
Muan time zone is UTC+09:00 (valid for standard time).
Muan area is 436 square km. so its a mid-sized city, definitely a city worth a visit. If you book an accommodation in Muan you can find cheap hotels due to its economic room prices, and for this reason you can use Muan as a base if you want to move across South Korea or Muan near adventures.
Muan altitude above sea level technically meters above sea level (M A.S.L.), is around 0 mt. For this Muan is the ideal travel destination if you and your partner love being near the sea.
If you are searching for more detailed information on Muan you can have a look at Muan official website
Muan things to do and activities: best trip destination for:
Interactive Muan (South Korea) Map and attractions
Interactive map of Muan, South Korea (KR).