Info about Fraserburg, Northern Cape (South Africa)
Fraserburg region is Northern Cape, Namakwa District Municipality, in South Africa (ZA).
Other names for Fraserburg are Fraserburg, latitude is -31.9156600, and its longitude 21.5133500.
Fraserburg population is 3.029 occupants, Fraserburg timezone is Africa/Johannesburg (Africa/Johannesburg_cet).
In Fraserburg you can go for museums over South Africa.
More details about Fraserburg in South Africa (ZA)
Do You need to have a call local telephone numbers? You can use 23 as local dialing code for calling local phone numbers. It’s postal code is 6960, this is why if you want to send anything to anyone by post on your travel this can be done by using this postal code as described above.
Fraserburg dimensions are 98 sq. kilometers so its a mid-sized city, definitely a city that you should visit. If you book an accommodation in Fraserburg you save money because of its low accommodation prices, so this is why you could use Fraserburg as base in order to move across South Africa and Fraserburg near things to do.
Its altitude above sea level, also called meters above sea level (MASL), should be about 0 mt. That’s why Fraserburg is the perfect trip destination when you and firends like to do a trip near the sea.
Shares borders with astonishing cities like Williston. So you and your friends may effortlessly reach those near destinations for new adventures in South Africa.
Fraserburg things to do and activities: best trip destination for:
Interactive Fraserburg (South Africa) Map and attractions
Interactive map of Fraserburg, Northern Cape Namakwa District Municipality South Africa (ZA).