Info about Hofmeyr, Eastern Cape (South Africa)
Hofmeyr region is Eastern Cape, Chris Hani District Municipality, in South Africa (ZA).
Other names for Hofmeyr are Hofmeyr, latitude is -31.6534900, and longitude is 25.8036600.
Hofmeyr is popular for diving, scuba diving, music in South Africa.
More details about Hofmeyr in South Africa (ZA)
You want to have a call local telephones! Local dialing code for Hofmeyr is 48. It’s zip code is 5930, for this reason, if you want to send anything to your family by post on your tripit can be used 5930 zip code as per description.
Hofmeyr size is 16 square km., so it is quitely quiet city great location for people that like relaxing destinations for their location to sleep, a calm town with no confusion that you find in big cities. In Hofmeyr you can find cheap accommodations due to its economic housing rates, so this is why you can use it like basecamp in order to move across South Africa and Hofmeyr near places.
Its elevation above mean sea level, called also meters above mean sea level (MAMSL), is 1263 mt. That’s why this city is a perfect trip destination if you and friends love high land to travel to in your next trip and love climbing if on a travel to see a new place.
Hofmeyr things to do and activities: best trip destination for:
Interactive Hofmeyr (South Africa) Map and attractions
Interactive map of Hofmeyr, Eastern Cape Chris Hani District Municipality South Africa (ZA).