
Info about Bystré, Presov (Slovakia)

Bystré region is Presov, Okres Vranov nad Topľou, in Slovakia (SK).

Other names for Bystré are Bystre, Bystré, latitude is 49.0112800, and longitude is 21.5429200.

In Bystré are located 2.662 people, its timezone is Europe/Bratislava (Europe/Bratislava_cet).

Popular things to do in Bystré are volcanoes around Slovakia.


More details about Bystré in Slovakia (SK)

In Bystré there are 2.662 people, if we consider 2011 latest census. You are looking to use telephone for calling local telephones! You can use 57 as local dialing code for calling local phone numbers. It’s zip code is 094 34, for this reason, for post delivery this can be done by using 094 34 post code as per description above.

Bystré size is 13 square km., so it seems to be nicely quiet place a nice destination for people that are searching for quiet places for a good location to stay, an incredibly quite countryside with no distractions that characterizes big cities. In this town you save money due to its economic rooms prices, so for this reason you and your travel companions may use it like basecamp if you want to move across Slovakia or Bystré near adventures.

Its height above mean sea level called also meters above sea level (MASL), should be about 180 meters. That’s why this is a perfect travel destination if you and your family love flat land to visit in your next trip.

If you like to see the sea, rivers or lakes while travelling you will be happy to find out that you have the following lakes, rivers or sea in Bystré. Bodies of water like Topľa are a must when you want to visit destinations with near water bodies.

If you need more detailed information on this city please have a look at Bystré official website

Bystré things to do and activities: best trip destination for:

  • volcanoes.

    Interactive Bystré (Slovakia) Map and attractions

    Interactive map of Bystré, Presov Okres Vranov nad Topľou Slovakia (SK).