
Info about Rezh, (Russia)

Rezh names are also Rezh, Rezj, Реж, its latitude is 57.3700500, and longitude is 61.4042800.

In Rezh there are 37.152 inhabitants, this location timezone is Asia/Yekaterinburg (Asia/Yekaterinburg_cet).

Rezh is one of the top destinations for spa, turkish baths, therms over Russia.


More details about Rezh in Russia (RU)

It is the capital of Rezhevskoy District.

It has timezone UTC+05:00 (valid for standard time).

In Rezh live 37.152 inhabitants, if we consider 2018 census. You want to call local people? Use 34364 if you wish to call local phone numbers. Rezh zip code is 623750, for this reason, for sending postcards to family in Rezh you can use 623750 code as per description.

Its size is 198 square km., so Rezh is a medium size city that can become, if it is not already, a boomtown, in our opinion a town worth visiting. If you stay here you save money because of Rezh cheap housing rates, so for this reason you could use it as basecamp if you want to visit all Russia or Rezh near things to do.

Rezh height above mean sea level, or meters above sea level (MASL), is about 190 mt. That is why this is a perfect place if you and your friends like flat ground to go to for your next trip.

If you want more information about Rezh have a look at Rezh official website

Rezh things to do and activities: best trip destination for:

  • spa, turkish baths, therms.

    Interactive Rezh (Russia) Map and attractions

    Interactive map of Rezh, Russia (RU).