Info about Onega, (Russia)
Onega names are also AEaeninen, Onega, Ääninen, Онега, its latitude is 63.9069200, and longitude 38.1111200.
In Onega are located 19.030 inhabitants, this city timezone is Europe/Moscow (Europe/Moscow_cet).
Best destination for desert, water sports, boat rides, fishing, lakes, theme parks, amusement parks, countryside, docks, sailboats, rivers, beaches, islands, ancient ruins, water parks, adventure parks, nature, churches, scenic roads, geological formations, valleys, secret, swimming, caves, events, playgrounds, wildlife, natural places, forest around Russia.
More details about Onega in Russia (RU)
It is the capital of Onezhsky District.
It has timezone UTC+03:00 (during standard time).
In Onega live 19.030 inhabitants, related to 2018 last census. You want to use telephone for calling local telephones? Use 81839 if you are calling local phone numbers. Onega zip code is 164840, this is why for post delivery on your travel you can use 164840 zip code as explained.
Onega area is 43 sq. km. for this reason it is nicely small city , good place for trippers that like small cities for base on a trip, a quiet place without loudness that you find in large metropolis. In Onega you can find cheap accommodations because of Onega economic room costs, so for this reason you and your travel companions could have it like base in order to move across Russia and Onega near cities.
Onega elevation above sea level, specifically meters above mean sea level (MAMSL), counts 20 meters. That is why this city is the perfect travel destination if you and your friends like plain areas to see for your next holiday.
From Onega you can also easily reach by train or car near cities, nice cities like Onezhsky District. As those cities are very close you and your family could easily travel to these close travel destinations for new adventures in Russia.
If you are searching for more detailed data for this city have a look at Onega official website
Onega things to do and activities: best trip destination for:
Interactive Onega (Russia) Map and attractions
Interactive map of Onega, Russia (RU).