
Info about Breaza, Prahova (Romania)

Breaza region is Prahova, in Romania (RO).

Other names for Breaza are Breaza, latitude is 45.1833300, and longitude 25.6666700.

Its population is 18.199 people, Breaza timezone is Europe/Bucharest (Europe/Bucharest_cet).

Breaza is considered one of the top destinations for golf in Romania.


More details about Breaza in Romania (RO)

Breaza has timezone UTC+02:00 (valid in period standard time).

In Breaza there are 18.199 people, considering 2002 census. It’s zip code is 105400, then if you want to send anything to friends via post on your travel you can use the zip code as per description.

Breaza dimensions are 11 square kilometers for this reason it is very relaxing city , nice solution for people that are searching for small places as a cheap base to travel to, a calm area without loudness that characterizes big metropolis. Here you can find cheap hotels due to its low hotel rates, so for this reason you can use Breaza as your basecamp to move across Romania or Breaza near things to do.

Its height above sea level, also called meters above mean sea level (MAMSL), should be around 600 meters. That’s why this is the ideal destination if you love high land to go to in your next trip or are willing to do adventure in the nature while you are on holiday to visit a new place.

If you want extra information about this city please have a look at Breaza official website

Characteristic monuments that is worth to visit for travellers to Breaza are:

    Stadionul Parc

Breaza things to do and activities: best trip destination for:

  • golf.

    Interactive Breaza (Romania) Map and attractions

    Interactive map of Breaza, Prahova Romania (RO).