
Info about Valverde, Distrito de Viseu (Portugal)

Valverde region is Distrito de Viseu, Tondela, in Portugal (PT).

Valverde is also called Valverde, latitude is 40.5349800, and its longitude is -8.0628200.

Things you can do if you travel to Valverde are ranches, farms over Portugal.


More details about Valverde in Portugal (PT)

It’s time zone is UTC±00:00 (for standard time).

Valverde square area is 14 sq. kilometers, so Valverde is very relaxing place , a good travel destination for travelers that are searching for relaxing cities as their base to sleep, a calm area with no confusion that you find in large urban areas. If you stay here you can find cheap accommodations due to Valverde economic rooms costs, so this is why you and your travel companions could use it as your basecamp in order to move across Portugal or Valverde near things to do.

Its altitude above mean sea level, or meters above sea level (M A.S.L.), is about 0 mt. Because of this Valverde is a perfect destination when you and your partner want to do a trip near the sea.

Valverde things to do and activities: best trip destination for:

  • ranches, farms.

    Interactive Valverde (Portugal) Map and attractions

    Interactive map of Valverde, Distrito de Viseu Tondela Portugal (PT).