
Info about Sopot, Województwo Pomorskie (Poland)

Sopot is a site of Województwo Pomorskie, Sopot, situated in Poland (PL).

Sopot names are also Sopat, Sopot, Sopota, Sopotas, Sopoty, Sopòt, Zoppot, sopoteu, sopoto, suo bo te, swbwt, swpwt, Сопат, Сопот, سوبوت, سوپوت, ソポト, 索波特, 소포트, its latitude is 54.4418000, and its longitude 18.5600300.

In Sopot there are 37.457 residents, Sopot timezone is Europe/Warsaw (Europe/Warsaw_cet).

In Sopot you can do adventure parks, bodyboard, surf, beaches, swimming, desert, wellness, kiteboarding, playgrounds, theme parks, amusement parks, valleys, kitesurfing, towers, windsurfing, sailboats, countryside, islands, scenic roads, mountains, disco, nature, spa, natural places, gardens, fountains, therms, nightlife, diving, scuba diving, parks, casinos, adventure, docks, geological formations, water parks, tennis, clubs, pubs, walkways, music, fishing, aquariums, snorkeling, biking, events, ancient ruins, slopes, statues, water sports, bars, secret, forest, nature reserves, rivers, architectural buildings, farms, historical sites, rafting, kayaking, escape room, hammam, canoeing, monuments, mines, museums, mosques, art galleries, volcanoes, boat rides, zoo, bridges in all Poland.


More details about Sopot in Poland (PL)

It has timezone UTC+01:00 (valid in period standard time).

In Sopot live 37.457 residents, considering 2015 census. Do You need to use telephone for calling local telephones! You can use 58 as local dialing code for local phone numbers. Sopot postal code is 81-701, then for post delivery this can be done by using 81-701 zip code as described.

Sopot area is 17 square kilometers for this reason Sopot should be nicely small town , a good location for trippers that are searching for small places for their base location to travel to, an incredibly quite place with no distractions typical of large metropolis. Here you can find cheap hotels because of Sopot low hotel costs, so this is why you can use it like basecamp if you want to move across Poland or Sopot near things to do.

Sopot altitude above sea level, that is meters above sea level (M A.S.L.), should be about 0 meters. That is why Sopot is the ideal travel destination when you and firends love seaside areas.

Near Sopot there are nice cities to visit, beautiful cities like Gdańsk, Gdynia. This is why you and your family could very quickly go to those other destinations to explore more Poland.

If you are searching for information about this city please have a look at Sopot official webpage

Sopot things to do and activities: best trip destination for:

  • adventure parks, bodyboard, surf, beaches, swimming, desert, wellness, kiteboarding, playgrounds, theme parks, amusement parks, valleys, kitesurfing, towers, windsurfing, sailboats, countryside, islands, scenic roads, mountains, disco, nature, spa, natural places, gardens, fountains, therms, nightlife, diving, scuba diving, parks, casinos, adventure, docks, geological formations, water parks, tennis, clubs, pubs, walkways, music, fishing, aquariums, snorkeling, biking, events, ancient ruins, slopes, statues, water sports, bars, secret, forest, nature reserves, rivers, architectural buildings, farms, historical sites, rafting, kayaking, escape room, hammam, canoeing, monuments, mines, museums, mosques, art galleries, volcanoes, boat rides, zoo, bridges.

    Interactive Sopot (Poland) Map and attractions

    Interactive map of Sopot, Województwo Pomorskie Sopot Poland (PL).