
Info about Totora, Amazonas (Peru)

Totora region is Amazonas, Provincia de Rodríguez de Mendoza, in Peru (PE).

latitude is -6.4925000, and longitude -77.4730600.

With a population of 282 citizens, this city timezone is America/Lima (America/Lima_cet).

Top destination for bodyboard, paddleboarding, surf, desert, islands, paddle, mountains, lakes, slopes, scenic roads, wakeboard, countryside, events, natural places, nature in all Peru.


More details about Totora in Peru (PE)

Population for Totora is 282 people, related to 2017 last census.

Its area is 6 square km. this is why it is counted as nicely calm place ideal solution for who are interested in quiet cities as base to stay, an incredibly calm area with no confusion typical of big metropolis. If you stay here you can find cheap hotels because of their economic room costs, and for this reason you and your friends could use it as your basecamp in order to visit all Peru or Totora near places.

Its height above sea level technically meters above sea level (MASL), counts 1650 meters. Because of this this is the ideal travel destination if you and your beloved ones love high mountains to go to for your next travel and want to do mountain rails when you are travelling far away.

There are also other near cities you can visit, cities like Milpuc District, Chirimoto District, Limabamba District, Huambo District, Rodríguez de Mendoza, Santa Rosa District. As those cities are near Totora you and your family could effortlessly visit those near places for new Peru adventures.

Totora things to do and activities: best trip destination for:

  • bodyboard, paddleboarding, surf, desert, islands, paddle, mountains, lakes, slopes, scenic roads, wakeboard, countryside, events, natural places, nature.

    Interactive Totora (Peru) Map and attractions

    Interactive map of Totora, Amazonas Provincia de Rodríguez de Mendoza Peru (PE).