Info about Putina, Puno (Peru)
Putina region is Puno, San Antonio De Putina, in Peru (PE).
latitude is -14.9166700, and its longitude -69.8666700.
Its population is 14.753 residents, this location timezone is America/Lima (America/Lima_cet).
Some of the things you can do if you travel to Putina are boat rides, rafting in Peru.
More details about Putina in Peru (PE)
It is the capital of San Antonio de Putina Province.
In Putina there are 14.753 residents, related to 2017 last census.
Putina square area is 1021 sq. kilometers so Putina is ideal for people who like big cities, busy full of things to do or entertainment. Here you may find expensive accommodations because of their high hotel costs, so this is why you could find Putina as basecamp in order to getting the comfort of luxury tired by going around the city.
Its altitude above sea level, basically meters above sea level (MASL), counts 3878 mt. That’s why Putina is the perfect trip destination when you want high land to go to for your next vacation or are willing to do trekking while tripping somewhere else.
If you are searching for other data for this city you can visit Putina official website
Putina things to do and activities: best trip destination for:
Interactive Putina (Peru) Map and attractions
Interactive map of Putina, Puno San Antonio De Putina Peru (PE).