Info about Gadani, Balochistan (Pakistan)
Gadani is a locality of Balochistan, in Pakistan (PK).
It is also called Gadani, its latitude is 25.1187900, and longitude 66.7321900.
Gadani has a population of 13.427 citizens, this city timezone is Asia/Karachi (Asia/Karachi_cet).
Gadani is famous for beaches, surf, diving, fishing, natural places around Pakistan.
More details about Gadani in Pakistan (PK)
Gadani elevation above sea level, also called meters above sea level (MASL), is over 0 meters above sea. For this this city is the ideal trip destination when you and your partner love to be near the sea.
Gadani things to do and activities: best trip destination for:
Interactive Gadani (Pakistan) Map and attractions
Interactive map of Gadani, Balochistan Pakistan (PK).