
Info about Tangen, Innlandet (Norway)

Tangen is a city of Innlandet, in Norway (NO).

Tangen names are also Tangen, its latitude is 60.6179200, and its longitude 11.2667700.

Tangen population is 518 residents, this location timezone is Europe/Oslo (Europe/Oslo_cet).

For your trip to Tangen you can adventure parks, theme parks, amusement parks, hiking trails, hiking, walking trails, water parks, farms, walkways around Norway.


More details about Tangen in Norway (NO)

In Tangen live 518 residents, related to 2019 last census.

Its size is 0 sq. kilometers so Tangen is nicely calm area , great solution for travelers that like quiet destinations for a cheap base to sleep, an incredibly calm countryside without loudness common in large cities. If you stay in this town you save money due to its cheap hotel prices, so for this reason you can have Tangen like your basecamp if you want to move across Norway and Tangen near adventures.

Tangen altitude above sea level, also called meters above mean sea level (MAMSL), is over 0 meters. That is why Tangen is the perfect travel destination if you want seaside areas.

Tangen things to do and activities: best trip destination for:

  • adventure parks, theme parks, amusement parks, hiking trails, hiking, walking trails, water parks, farms, walkways.

    Interactive Tangen (Norway) Map and attractions

    Interactive map of Tangen, Innlandet Norway (NO).